
Progress-Anderson Kitchen

handicapped sill with a heavy hinge $500!

Second floor opening for Fireplace of Loft

nailing pattern and detail at windows- a tight weather resistant corner

As in most kitchens of Virginia, this facility probably served a duel function of providing a place to cook for the Anderson Tavern and to supply food to the workers of the Armory which worked in the adjacent Tin Smith and Forge areas of the Armory. From evidence discovered in the immediate area, this kitchen may have had the first drainage for waste. A vaulted drain was discovered in the corner of the kitchen by the fireplace. This would have been a convenience to the activity. this appproximately 17' by 23' building had a pitch of 12/12 on the roof. All of the kitchens were located several feet fromthe main house or tavern a precausion to fires which wer a common practice in burning serveral kitchens to the grounds. I will be looking at the Governor's kitchen next.

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