
The plan generates the Look

Actually the Yakuza are more forgiving than mother nature!
The new buildings will have a significant impact on this sleepy little seaside hamlet. Most of the buildings which were created after WWII and resemble fishing shacks. Fishermen and sportsmen that live here rely on the water for easy access to the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.

In the process of rebuilding some people look at materiality of their structures. In this particular case it is not New Urbanism or Colonial Revival . 

Since the colonial period kitchens of Colonial Williamsburg were actually built without a proper masonry foundations. Beams some buildings were placed directly on the crushed shells and sand base which was compacted by hand. Many accessory buildings did not  were set on the cleared earth site! As a result many foundations in Williamsburg rotted or in some cases burned down. Accidents  were common in the Colonial kitchens as testified by archeological overlapping of remains, i.e. Andersen tavern.

Today we have an opportunity to make a statement to posterity and to improve on our buildings. We must be foresighted enough as architects to do battle for the conditions which make our buildings last. I realize the tools for expression are available, but clear thinking must always be the part of our vocabulary.

So here is first building as it has expanded from the original floor plan to a new plan.

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